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Museum of Comparative Zoology

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FJAN 8 1953

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Printed in Great Britain by T. Bunctz & Co. Lrp., Arbroath, Angus.

INDEX. lii


Aberrations of Aphantopus hyperantus. N. C. Pilleau, 69; Arctia villica. E. A. Cockayne, 3, 301; Argynnis aglaia. S. H. Kershaw, 69; British Geometri- dae. EF. A. Cockayne, 65, 237; British Macrolepidoptera. F. A. Cockayne, 33, 129, 189; by A. Richardson, 269; Coenonympha tullia. N. C. Pilleau, 69: Gonodontis bidentata. E. A. Cockayne, 334; Lysandra_ coridon and L. bellargus. E. A. Cockayne, 157; New Melanic, 273; Saturnia pavonia, E. A. Cockayne, 97; Selenia bilunaria. EE. S. A. Baynes, 5.

Aberrations, the Collecting of, 137.

Abraxas grossulariata, foodplant of in the Hebrides. J. W. Heslop Harri- son, 349.

Abraxas sylvata in Derbyshire. J. H. Johnson, 80; Note on. Pvt: As. Cockayne, 20.

Abrostola tripartita, early emergence of. F. H. Lyon, 218; by J. L. Camp- bell, 287.

Actaea spicata, distribution of in Eng- land, 105.

Adoxophyes orana in Kent. Jacobs, 86.

Aglais urticae, aberrations of in Bucks. S. H. Kershaw, 326.

Allophyes alfaroi, A New Noctuid de- scribed, 214. Anadolua, the Genus. Anatolia. Field Notes from.


Ancylolomia tentaculella in Kent. T. G. Edwards and S. Wakely, 273. Anthocaris cardamines, Second Brood

of. T. G. Edwards, 288.

Apatele euphorbiae ssp. myricae in the Hebrides. J. W. Heslop Harrison, 348.

Apatele rumicis f. salicis in Kent. J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 149.


M. Burr, 359. M. Burr,

Apatura iris, Second Brood of. F. W. Byers, 347.

Aphantopus hyperantus, Three New Forms of. WN. C. Pilleau, 69.

Aphodius Genus in Cumberland. F. H. Day, 12%.

Apion difficile in Surrey and Hants. A. A. Allen, 294.

Arctia villica, Aberrations of. E. A. Cockayne, 3, 301; ab. wardi, Genetics of. E. A. Cockayne, 1: ab. ursula and ab. kettlewelli. E. A. Cockayne, 302.

Argynnis aglaia, Two Aberrations of. S. H. Kershaw, 69. Asilidae, Notes on the.

229, 263, 295.

Asthena albulata, Second Brood of. J.

M. Chalmers-Hunt, 349.

L. Parmenter,

Athous campyloides in Sussex. A. A.

Allen, 294. Aviemore in 1952. C. Craufurd, 280, 326.

Bena fagana, foodplants of. R. J. R. Levett, 254.

‘Blues’, foodplants for. R. C. Dyson, 194.

Bombus smithianus visits Hebridean sea-rocket. J. W. Heslop Harrison, 356.

Bupalus piniaria, gynandromorph of.

E. S. A, Baynes, 290.

Butterflies in Coastal Region of North Wales. J. A. Thompson, 161, 261; by S. Gordon Smith, 221, 325; in North Africa. C. G. Lipscomb, 136, 168; in Wales; “AS Mo Re VHerons 5; 10a. Hampshire Garden. P. H. Holloway, 317: in Ireland. A. M. R. Heron, 47; on Wet Mud, 21, 22, 87, 218 (see also Pieris napi): Spread of into suitable localities, 31, 63.

Campaea margaritata, Second Brood of. J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 54.

Carterocephalus palaemon shire, 151, 215, 216, 259.

in Hamp-

Celerio lineata livornica in England, 148, 358. Cheshire, Microlepidoptera in. H. N.

Michaelis, 12, 178.

Chilo cicatricellus as Chalmers-Hunt, 160.

Churches, Entomological Care of. P. C. Hawker, 356.

Coenonympha tullia, New Form of. N. C. Pilleau, 69.

Coleoptera at Knole Park. A. A. Allen, 224: Notes on, 30, 31, 93, 126, 187, 22S, 263, 294: of a Suburban Garden. A. A. Allen, 61, 92.

Colias calida, correct Name. £. A. Cockayne, 166.

Colias croceus in 1952, 288, 289, 323; ab. duplex. E. A. Cockayne, 193.

Colias heldreichi taken by Miss Foun- taine, 94.

Collecting Notes, 1952. W. Reid, 205, 339.

Colletes daviesana in the Hebrides. J. W. Heslop Harrison, 356.

Colouration of Insects, Experiments on. M. Burr, 353.

Coscinia cribraria, Breeding. H. B. D. Kettlewell, 106.

British J. M.

Cossus cossus, Pupation Site of. R. F. Birchenough, 55.

Cranbourne Chase, Larvae in. H. Symes, 204.

Cucullia absinthii in Yorkshire. T. WH. Ford, 289.

Cucullia asteris in Essex. C. Craufurd,

323; in Suffolk. D. A. Ashwell, 323. Current Literature, 32, 64, 95, 128, 188, 235, 267, 330, 362.


Dale, C. W., reference to, 24.

Danaus plexippus in Kent. J. L. Atkin- SOn, 322.

Dasychira fascelina, Symes, 42.

Deilephila elpenor, Notes on Larvae cf. D. F. Owen, 20: by J. H. Johnson, 145, 350.

Deuteronomos ainiaria, E. S. A. Baynes, 24.

Deuteronomos erosaria, Late Dates for. F. H. Lyon, 349.

Devon, A Note from South. F. H. Lees, 358.

Diary, on Keeping A. An Old Moth- Hunter, 342.

Diptera attracted by a Cossus-infested oak. E. C. M. @WA.-Fonseca, 360: visiting Fungi. J. Edwards, 123.

Dorset Lepidoptera in 1951. F. M. B. Carr, 111; Larvae in. H. Symes, 204; Noten eLromes | Ae SYUmMmes Stine Machaon in. H. C. Huggins, 28.

Dorytomus validirostris in Kent. A. A. Allen, 30.

Dysstroma truncata in Kerry. E. S. A. Baynes, 351.

Embia, A Note on. MW. Burr, 292.

Erannis leucophaearia in December. TW. E. Minnion, 53.

on Breeding. H.

aberration of.

Essex, Notes from East. A. J. Dewick, 152. Eublemma parva in Somerset. A. H.

Turner, 290.

Eupista erigerella in Surrey. S. ly, 54.

Eupithecia actaeata, A Search for. F. A. Cockayne, 11, 104.

Eupithecia immundata, A Search for. E. A. Cockayne, 11, 104. Eupithecia intricata ssp. arceuthata in Hants. J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 53. Eupithecia millefoliata, An Early Re- Corde Ca Ga MENde WOLmssip3:

Euplagia quadripunctaria in Devon in 1952. J. L. Atkinson, 322.

Everes argiades in Dorset. 255.

Field Notes, 248, 284.

Fifty Years Ago, 31, 63, 94, 127, 155, 188. 234, 266, 300, 329, 361.

Flying Insects and Wind Currents. P. Siviter Smith, 49.

Folkestone, A Moth-trap in. A. M. Mor- ley, 170.

French Method of Collecting Butterflies. P. C. Hawker, 355.

Fungi, Diptera visiting. J. Edwards, 123.

Gall Midges, Retarded ‘Emergences of. M. Niblett, 327.

Gastropacha quercifolia, Second Brood of. F. W. Byers, 347.

Genitalia, A Method of Mounting. McE. Kevan, 195.

Geometridae, aberrations of British. £. A. Cockayne, 65, 237.


H. Symes,


Glanvile, Mrs. and her Fritillary. P. B. M. Allan, 17.

Gonepteryx rhamni, attitude of Larva. D. Lanktree, 78.

Gonodontis bidentata, New Melanic Mutation in. E£. A. Cockayne, 334. Gymnoscelis pumilata, Early Appear- ance of, 121, 152, 179, 324; whether a

migrant. H. M. Darlow, 254.

Hadena andalusica (barrettii) in West Country. J. O. T. Howard, 87; by H. M. Edelsten, 147.

Hadena blenna in England. Moth-Hiunter, 174.

Hadena bombycina (glauca) in Somer- set. C. S. H. Blathwayt, 218.

Hadena caesia on the Isle of Canna, 348; on the Isle of Rhum. J. W. Heslop Harrison, 348.

Hairstreak pupae, stridulation of. W. An CO iCOTRbCr ae:

Hampshire, Butterflies in. P. H. Hollo- way, 48; 198, 317; by F. M. B. Carr, 1411: in Hampshire Woods. P. H.. Holloway, 115; early spring Moths in. A. C. R. Redgrave, 147.

Hand-pairing of P. machaon. Clarke, 98.

Harpalus anxius in London. A. A. Allen, 263.

Harpyia hermelina in April. P. J. Gent, 148.

Hemaris fuciformis and H. tityus, dis- tribution of, 188.

Hemistola immaculata, beating for, 155.

Hepialus lupulina, swarming of, 266.

Herse convolvuli, on Rearing D. G. Sevastopulo, 14; in Dorset. V. W’. Philpott, 288.

Hesperia comma, Note on the Larva of. E. A. Cockayne, 182.

Heterogena asella in Kent. J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 218: by EF. H. Wild, 262.

Hipparchia semele, two New Subspecies OfmuG, Ge Lattin. 335:

Holiday Diversion. A. M. R. Heron, 13.

Horisme ayguata as a British Insect. eZ. A COCKQYNE, 73:

Horisme vitalbata two years in Pupa. N. T. Faston, 324.

Hydraecia nordstroemi, Note on, 213.

Hydraecia petasitis in Herts. A. L. Goodson, 348.

Hydriomena ruberata, on Rearing. T. D. Fearnehough, 8°.

Hydrophilus piceus at electric light, 64, 228.

Hymenia recurvalis in Britain. F. H. Lees, 70; A Note on. E. A. Cockayne, 71; in Surrey, 121; a Note on. D. G. Sevastopulo, 182.

Ireland, Butterflies seen in. A. M. R. Heron, 47.

Isle of Man, Collecting in. “Shaw, 44.

An Old

Cs A:

S.A. Ker:


Ivy-bloom, Diptera at, 90.

Jaspidia deceptoria in Sussex. E. H. Wild, 262.

Journal of a Victorian, Notes from the. S. G, Castle Russell, 243.

Kendal District, Autumn Notes from. N. L. Birkett, 109.

Kent, Notes from West. G. V. Bull, 350.

Killing Agents, Suitable. P. Siviter

Smith, 89; by S. G. Castle Russell, 150.

Killing Specimens for the Cabinet. 7. C. Huggins, 222.

Knole Park, Coleoptera at. 224.

Lampides boeticus in Surrey. L. dH. S. Chevallier, 274; in Isle of Wight, J. Lobb, 322.

Lancashire, Microlepidoptera in. dH. N. Michaelis, 178.

_Laothoe populi, possible Sex-linkage in. E. A. Cockayne, 221.

Larva-rearing, a hint for. pacar Cockayne, 149.

Lasiocampa@ quercus ab. olivaceo-fasciata

A. A. Allen,

and the Melanic Larva. EB. A: Cockayne, 306; Variations in the Life-cycle of f. callunae. H. Symes,


Latin Names and the Young Collector. Pe sipitern smith, 207.

Latinizing of Proper Names, 90, 150, 222.

Latium, Scarcity of Insects in 1951. L. Romei, 8.

Leopoldius signatus near Bristol. E. C. M. d’A.-Fonseca, 186.

Leucania favicolor, Chromosome Num- ber of. E. A. Cockayne, 220, 257. Leucania l-album, Life-cycle of. F. H.

Lees, 101. 2 Leucania loreyi Cockayne, 255. Leucania pallens, Life-cycle of. F. dH. Lees, 101; number of Broods in Herts. R. A. French, 277; Whether double-brooded. J. C. Hartley, 180; Chromosome number of. Be Ag Cockayne, 220, 257. Leucania vitellina, Life-cycle of. F. H. Lees, 101; breeding in England. E. E A

im” ireland: 9. VA.

Barton White, 180; in Surrey. W.

Minnion, 57.

Leucodonta bicoloria in Hampshire.

H. Sperring, 214; by H. Symes, 215. Life-histories, Notes on, 20, 51. Lithophane lapidea in Britain, 86. ‘Lithophane semibrunnea and the m.v.

lamp. W. E. Minnion, 57. Longicorns from Hertfordshire.

Ferry, 29.

Loxostege Genus, prolonged larval dia-

pause in. £. A. Cockayne, 324. Tuceria virens, on Rearing. Bee Je

Lempke, 72.

Lycaena dispar, On. S, G. Castle Rus-

Sell, 315,


Lycaena phiaeas, White and Pale Forms of. A. L. Goodson, 23; by P. Siviter Smith, 134, 184; supposed Third Brood of. S. G. Castle Russell, 148; by P. Siviter Smith, 289.

Lycaenidae of Hampshire Chalk Downs. P. H. Holloway, 198.

Lysandra bellargus, Aberrations of. EF. A. Cockayne, 157.

Lysandra coridon, Aberrations of. E. A. Cockayne, 157.

Macroglossum stellatarum in 1952, 217, Pappy Pee ayPI) BATE

Macrothylacia rubi, Notes on. Johnson, 22.

Malacosoma neustria, Notes on. OD. Wright, 172; by P. H. Holloway, 217.

Malta, V. cardui and Migrants in. A. Valletta, 279.

Melanic Aberrations, New, 273.

Mercury Vapour lamp, Notes on, 182, O5Gh 21 ae Oe

Metoecus paradoxrus in Wakely, 98.

Microlepidoptera, Notes on. H.C. Hug- gins, 2, 50, 84, 120; 144, 177, 214, 250, 285, 319, 345: in Cheshire. Hea NG Michaelis, 12. 178; in Lancashire. #. N. Michaelis, 178; Records from the N.W. N. L. Birkett, 82.

Mildew and P.D.B., 55, 183; prevention of. D. G. Sevastoputlo, 325.

Miltochrista miniata in Kent. J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 254.

Minucia lunaris, possible record of. £. A. Cockayne, 54.

Moths and Wasps. JN. L. Birkett, 242.

Nephrocerus flavicornis, Records of. B. Re LGUurence, 23:

New Forest in the Nineties. S. G. Castle Russell, 138.

Norfolk, Collecting in. S. Wakely, 113.

North Africa, Butterflies of. C. G, Lips- comb, 136, 168.

North Wales, Butterflies in. H aubiawnes Us Thompson, 161.

Nymphalis polychloros in Kent. Chalmers-Hunt, 121.

Obituary : Donovan, C., 32; Morley, C., oe

Odontosia carmelita, Incidence of. A. C. R. Redgrave, 218; in Scotland. G. W. Harper, 262; Observations on. dH. Symes, 337.

Operophtera brumata in the Hebrides. J. W. Heslop Harrison, 348.

Opistograptis luteolata ab. ruficosta in Herts. A. LZ. Goodson, 326.

Oressigena, a Nomen Nudum. By Ae Cockayne, 291; by P. Siviter Smith, 304.

Oria musculosa in Wilts. 107.

Otiorrhyncus raucus in Kent. Allen, 30.

otal 2

Surrey. Ss

J. M.

R.A. Jackson,

Abs AX

vil INDEX.

Ova, This Matter of. An Old Moth- Hunter, 15.

Oxyna parietina, Note on. L. Parmen- ter, 58. :

P.D.B. and Mould, 55. 183.

Pairing P. machaon by hand. C. A. Clarke, 98.

Pallopteridae, Note on. Fonseca, 91.

Panolis flammea in January. Holloway. 53.

Papilio machaon, Hand-pairing of. C. A. Clarke, 98; in Dorset. H. C. Hug- gins, 23; Note on Breeding. J. New- ton, 54.

Pararge aegeria, Habitats of. D. F. Owen, 149; by R. Cheeseman, 289.

Pieris napi, nomenclature of Yellow Forms. J. A. Thompson, 75, 150, 290; on Wet Mud, 21, 22, 87.

Plasted, Dealer, 53.

Plusia confusa (gutta) in England. B. J. Lempke, 86.

Plusia ni in March.

Plusia variabilis, Chalmers-Hunt, 52: Allan, 53, 218.

Polyommatus icarus, On Breeding. R.

C. Dyson, 194.

Practical Hints, 26, 251, 286, 320, 346.

Prionus coriarius, Notes on. H. Symes, 153.

Procus versicolor in Cockayne, 347. Pseudoips bicolorana in London. S: Wakely, 21: by W. E. Minnion, 86.

Pupal Activity. P. B. M. Allan, 37.

Pupating Sites. D. Wright, 40.

Repairing broken Specimens. D. K. McE. Kevan, 56.

Sapromyzidae, Notes on. ence, 29.

Saturnia pavonia, Aberrations of. E. A. Cockayne, 97.

Scarcity of Insects in S. Latium. L. Romei, 8; of Butterflies on the Con-

PC A Mey aA


F. H. Lees, 146.

Notes on. Tee Vie Tony IPS BS) AML.

ireland 6 AG

B. Rk. Laur:

tinent. P. C. Hawker, 88; of Rhopa- locera in 1951. S. G. Castle Russell, 100.

Sedina buetineri and Collectors. N. D. Riley, 152. :

Selenia bilunaria, New Form of. E£. S.

A. Baynes, 5; ab. eblanaria, Genetics of. E. A. Cockayne, 6; ab. nigrata in Lincs. R. Prichard, 185.

Setting Lepidoptera. P. Siviter Smith, 56; by An Old Moth-Hunter, 208, 357; Criticism of the Block Method. W. E. Minnion, 184, 247; by R. F. Bre- therton, 2614; by W. Bowater, 325.

Somerset, Light-trap Records from. A. He eLUrner Asb= 293:

Spanish Ports, Butterflies in. F. M. G. Stammers, 327.

Sphinx ligustri, Second Brood of. N. T. Easton, 324; aberrational Larva of. N. T. Easton, 324.

Spilosoma lutea female attracting Are- tia caja. D. Wright, 24.

Spurn, Lepidoptera at. H. N. Michaelis, 359.

Staphylinus spp., Records of. Allen, 126; by F. H. Day, 187.

Sterrha aversata, Notes on. C. N. Haw- kins, 133.

Sterrha seriata, Flight Time of. J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 349.

Surrey Trypetidae. M. Niblett, 27.

Tathorhyncus exsiccata in Devon. F. HI. Eees, 131; A New British Noctuid. E. A. Cockayne, 132; Further Note on. E£. A. Cockayne, 151; Foodplant of. EH. A. Cockayne, 217.

Tetbury, Lepidoptera at. J. Newton, 58.

Thalera fimbrialis in Kent. J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 10.

Thecla betulae, Note on. C. B. Antram, 350.

Thunderstorms and Variation. Castle Russell, 199.

Triphaena pronuba in March. T. G. Howarth, 148.

Tropics, storing set Lepidoptera in. T. Maessen, 118.

Trypetidae in Surrey. M. Niblett, 27.

Unexpected, The. Viscount Bolingbroke, 245.

Vanessa cardui in the Channel Is. L. W. Newman, 252; in Czechoslovakia. J. Smethaus, 321; in England in March, 122, 123, 146, 147; in Germany, 253, 288,:321; in Italy. R. Verity, 252: in Malta. A. Valletta, 252; in Malta in 1952. A. Valletta, 279; in Turkey. M. Burr, 216.

Varieties of British Lepidoptera. A. Richardson, 269.

Volucella inanis at Blackheath. A. A. Allen, 299.

Volucella zonaria at Bournemouth. H.



Symes, 234; in Kent. J. F. Burton, i[5ya}. Wales, North, Butterflies of. J. A.

Thompson, 161.

Wasps attacking P. brassicae. Gardiner, 355.

Wasps and Moths. N. L. Birkett, 2492.

West Africa, storing specimens in. T. Maessen, 118. Weston-super-Mare, Lepidoptera at. C. S. H. Blathwayt, 56, 121, 218, 359. Westmorland: Notes from Kendal. N. L. Birkett, 109.

Wiltshire: Oria musculosa in. Jackson, 107.

Wind Currents and Flying Insects. P. Siviter Smith, 49.

Xylocampa areola ab. rosea, Note on. J. Newton, 181.

Ba Ot




falan, PB. M., 17,.37,, 53, 55,, 122, 151, 223, 259, 260.

Allen, A. A., 31, 61, 92, 127, 224, 263, 294, 295, 300, 364.

Amman. Cz B., 350:

Ashwell, D. A., 323.

Atkinson, J. L., 322.

Barrons B.C. 122322.

Baynes, E. S. A., 5, 25, 290, 351.

Birchenough, R. F., 55.

Birkett, N. L., 82, 109, 122, 242.

BiatiwawteOr s: El. 57, 121, 152; 218. 359.

Bliss, A., 147.

Bolingbroke, Viscount, 245.

Bowater, W., 326.

Bretherton, R. F., 260.

Bull, G. V.,-57, 185, 350.

Burr, M., 217, 309, 353, 359.

Burton, J. F., 153.

Byers, F. W., 121, 347.

Campbell, J. L., 287.

Canrob M. B., 144) 146.

GaAmier WA. C4 soe. 200; Chalmers-Hunt, J. M., 10, 52, 53, 54, 89, 121, 149, 160, 203, 218, 254, 288, 349.

Cheeseman, R., 289.

Chevallier, L. H. S., 274.

Clarke, C. A., 98.

Cockayne, B.. A., 1, 3, 6, 11, 20, 33, 54, 6, feadia up tee 129) 132. 150; toe aby, 166, 183, 189, 193, 21'7, 221, 287, 256, 292, 301, 302, 306, 324, 334, 347, 353, 362, 364.

Craufurd, C., 217, 224, 280, 289, 323, 326.

Cretschmar, M., 19, 322.

Darlow, H. M., 254.

Day, F. H., 125, 187. Demuth, R. P., 256. Dewick, A. J., 55, 153. Dyson, R. C., 194. Easton, N. T., 87, 324. Edelsten, H. M., 147, 259. Edwards, J., 123. Edwards, T. G., 273, 288. Evans, L. J., 86. Fearnehough, T. D., 88. Herry, R. S., 29. Fonseca, E. C. M. @’A.-, Ford, T. H., 289. Brench, R. A., 277: Gardiner, B. O., C., 355. Gente P.. J., 128. Goodson, A. L., 23, 290, Gummer, C. M., 26. Harper, G. W., 262. Harrison, J. W. Heslop, 348, 349, 356. maartley, J. C., 480.

Hawker, P. C., 89, 215, 216, 355, 356. Hawkins, C. N., 133.

Haynes, ‘R. G., %3.

Hayward, EK. J., 184, 220.

Heron, A. M. R., 13, 58.

Hesselbarth, G., 19, 253.

Hewson, F., 22, 148.

Hobby, B. M., 216.

92, 187, 360.

326, 348.


Holloway: Po He, 4851545 115) 1231985 217, ade

Howard, J. O. T., &7

Howarth, T. G., 148, 181.

Huggins, H. C., 24, 25, 50, 84, 120, 144, 177, AN POS IR Oss Oy SOs wits

Hyde, G. E., 22.

Jackson; R. A., 107.

Jacobs; S. N:. As, -87:

Johnson, J. H., 23, 80, 145, 2416, 351, 352.

Kershaw, S. H., 44, 69, 89, 255, 326.

Kettlewell, H. B. D., 106.

Kevan, D. K. McE., 56, 90, 150, 195, 223, 261.

Lanktree, D. ‘A. P., 78

Lattin, G. de, 288, 335.

Laurence, B. R., 28, 29, 90.

Juees; BY HE, 70, 104), 131, 146, 358.

Lempke, B. J., 72, 86.

Levett, R. J: R-, 254:

Lipscomb, C. G., 136, 168.

Lobb, J., 323.

Lyon, F. H., 218, 349.

Maessen, T., 118.

Manley, G. E. L., 148.

Michaelis, H. N., 12, 178, 359.

Minnion, W. E., 53, 57, 86, 87, 181, 182, 185, 247.

Morley, A. M., 170, 180.

Newman, LL. H., 252:

Newton, J., 55, 58, 181.

Niblett, M., 27, 327.

Old Moth-Hunter, An, 15, 174, ood

Owen, D. F , 21, 149, 363.

Parmenter, L., 58, 91, 229, 263, 295.

Philpott, V. W., 181, 288.

Pilleau, N. C., 69.

IPricharda heel Sie

Redgrave, A. C. R.,

Reid, W., 205, 339.

Richardson, A., 269.

Riley, N. D., 152

Romei, L., 8.

Russell, S. G. Castle, 100, 188, 149, 151, 199, 243, 315

Sevastopulo, D. G., 41, 182, 325.

Smelhaus, J., 321.

Smith, S. Gordon, 27, 222, 224, 325.

Smith, P. Siviter, 49, 56, 89, 134, 184, 207, 290.

Sperring, A: H., 245, 216, 258.

Stammers. F. M. G., 327

Stone, F. J:, 7.

Struthers, F. MEE eine

Symes, H., 29, 12, (ay, ViWAS Oily ORY Dats. 259, 327, 337, 347.

Tatchell, L. H., 90, 146, 183, 289.

Thompson, J. A., 75, 150, 161, 182, 261, 291.

Thorpe, J. E., 254.

Tremewan, W. G., 289.

Turner, A. H., 186, 290, 293.

Feu eiay enn ee 1 Oo

Valletta, A., 279.

208, 342.

147, 218.


Verity, R., 252. Wild; E. H., 262. Wakely, S., 21, 54, 94, 113; 123, 273. Worms, Baron de, 53. White, E. Barton, 180- Wright, D., 24, 40, 172. PLATES. ¢ I. Genetics and Aberrations of Arctia villica Linn. ae ... face page Q Il. Aberrations of British Macrolepidoptera A x 34 III. Aberrations of British Geometridae ts 3% 66

Tv. Aberrations of Saturnia pavonia Linn. .. fae ae a oe a 98

Vv. Aberrations of British Macrolepidoptera ... ee a 130 VI. Aberrations of Lysandra coridon Poda .. Ay a 158 VII. Aberrations of Lysandra bellargus Rott. .. ae a6 159

VIII. Aberrations of British Macrolepidoptera . Bl ay Eee Be a 190

IX. The Block Method of Setting Lepidoptera A = Poi of 210

X. Aberrations of British Geometridae a ih ae ABE oe $3 238 XI. New Varieties of British Lepidoptera wan on i, a ahs 270 XII. Aberrations of Arctia villica Linn. ... ra Ne ae ae of sy 302

XIII. Scenery in Anatolia au ane ag a3 ee eau < Se 310

XIV. Gonodontis bidentata ah. bowateri a: as: rae aoe . : : 334



adspersus (Phytonomus) .................. 114 aeneocephalus (Ocypus) ..... 126, 187, 188 EMCI ARIE), occ cncneescaeiasirasaotrncoasenn> 62 POT E TI SM UELUIST AUIS) 0 occ lactis op esses ceensctses 263 ACSMVALIS: (ADNOGIMS) . 50.) .0.c2cnseceeornnes 125 POSEN CANITOU)) ccc sccvasossercoesoreysesencs 61 PECAN ENTEIOLEGC GES) 0 eos: joteccsconssostuetsccsreccone 226 IMM EMEA ENTOM) © ....00..cccspestccsconaee Q27 POPU ANS SW TICIILA) © .nansascccovetosssasess 227 AMPA (NEUTADIES) .....cnc0.00s005-r500 225 DIVEST CED AMAVANNES) © oo cc. cccrenercoecennpeenncnne 263 SHUR Sie pk) C100) 1) | re 61 IME CNTIUALA) .,oscynsnosennesesenssccanens 225 PEAGSEACTHES (OPHOMIUS) ..icccc.vscesecscrsssces 294 SINS Q (GL) eee eee 30 armigera (Magdalis) ...............cccccceeee 93 eS MTINES PUN TEOU) 85 coccckcecasacnsoncesveckascons 61 assimilis (Ceuthorhynchus) .............. 63 PUR ET e (ADDIMOGINES) 25s ccscscssscaecesegese ne ADT Pa OME UEAT SIS): ouccctascecuscssnhavsse votes 228 EP ONer E PTOI GINS) ca. cc neccnessnseecons 227, 294 atomarius (Mycetophagus) ................ Q27 PACUARUEMS (EIAYPAIIS) ......5000500-0nesseae 263 barbicorms (Maedalis), \is...s0.24..00ec805 93 calor, (Taphrorychus): o....032...00dseasee 228 bidentatus (Meligethes) ..................08 294 Bitasciatum, (RHALIUM) © .iccdcscevestsecnees 29 bifasciatus (Lathridius) .................... 226 RPG AGA (CPOMORKIA) o...cccevsveessereanavers 93 ara MaGIs (CUS) loess esc becbek Rebeeones 227 “ELEC 0S) ga EAST ee Q27 eres!) CAPMOGIUS) © .........c.0s.cd.cceerseeee 126 BCISOWE WCEP LENTCIUIMN) | oo) feel. ccds obecsceone 295 MuMetin (COON) |. 3. 25.5...0..ckebeee cen eoee 225 brunnipes (Staphylinus) ............ 127, 188 buprestoides (Melasis) ..................00 226 calcarata (Leiodes) ............ccc cesses 225 campyloides (Athous) ..................00. 294 earhonaria (Magdalis) .......2.....0....000: 93 earcharias (Saperda) *2....2..0....c....00c00- 29 Farinitrons (TYIKXAGUS) © 6.0.2. ....-coccesee 226 Serer UND EOL OTUS)) Ss. wsc .ccosssececenccccus 93 eeccinea (Pyrochroa) °.2.)............6000- 227 cochleariae (Ceuthorhynchus) ......... 63 connne (Enophryum) .30.2.iisic.....028 93 Bonuexus (Litargus) .2.1800...0......0.0005 227 conspurcatus (Aphodius) .................. 126 Constans (APHOIUS) ....0.........0c.... cece eee 125

contaminatus (Aphodius) .......... 126, 227

PAGE coriarius (Prionus) ...:.......... 2s ABB 927] CTH ENING I Heb al (I BUNTON AYE) Sh eaaedeaanme aa seseneanenedader 227 CRUCIGA PUI | (CAQUOI) Ue scsemiasasesesesce coseoe: 228 EEY PECAN (CAMO LIES) \ocsc oe cssecesd- sek tcensuens 115 GUPLEUS, CMA BINEMS | esc. cahteevesacaeens 115 cupreus (Staphylinus) ...................... 127 CRELELLOSUEG oe (AITO) tee oseec: sere eee eaece 62 curtula (Aleochara)'' .nsiAth... is. 226 cylindricum (Sinodendron) ............. 227 Cylindrus: (Platypus) ose ec cee ose ee 228 dentatus (Cryptophagus) ............0.... 226 depressus. (Aphodius) si228.:56.. 03.0: 126 destructor, (Scolytus)irsks ss eeece eee 93 ALEHroOlM, (Apion) iss. see eet ee eae 61 @imiener (A PlOm) psec scree se eee 294 @iirormis.. (ATHOUS) 22h bee Ne eee 294 dissectus (Plegaderus) ©..............c.c.008 226 aistincius, (Aphodius) wees eee 126 GuUpomMbil (PALPIECTUS) sees hese eee ereee 226 edwardsi (Phloeophilus) ................... 226 elongata (COrtiGarial pines see Q27 elongatulus (Neuraphes) ................... 225 equestris: \(Amara)). i ss.).eceraeeacee eee gees 225 equestris (Aphodius) ...............c00sc0ce0ee 227 equiseti (Cardiophorus) ...................05 115 erraticus (ADDOGIUS) (2. .dodcu cece dats 125 erratus- (Calathus)):: ciccctesessvees: eters 115 erysimi (Ceuthorhyncus) .................. 92 erythropterus (Staphylinus) ..... 127, 187 fabery (StrophOsoOmiauS)ipasadeeso sce eee 228 PASI (COE VMOU) ee he eee eee eee cae Q27 fasciatus (Malthinus) ......:...........0.0.+ ot femorata (Oncomera) ..............c.ccceeeee 294 ferrugineus (Laemophloeus) ............. 226 ferrugineus (Pocadius) .................... 226 fimetarius (Aphodius) ......................85 125 AAVESECTISH (SiON) gece socsesseaeccee cbascesee. 63 flavicornis (Micromalus) ................... 226 flavicornis (Longitarsus) ................... 228 HAVA ES! VAT OM) iis cyas see cece ee eee 61 floralis (Ceuthorhynchus) ................. 92 foetens” (ApPWOGvUS) 053 ch c.cocteobues. hes eus 125 foetidus (ADHOGIUS) © ..1..0 0.02... cbse toee cee 126 TOSSOR” (ATMO OES)! foc oes creer oooceesceeysse 125, 294 CPA CER VACSIMUS)) cat soin.Jeghuas secabenieowi 93 PSI MOSS “CY DIM occ i.e <eswdasceeseseee 294 fultva-.(Rhagcenycha)e so oe 294 fulvipes (Staphylinus)’ ..............0....... 187 fuscatus (Staphylinus) ............... 127, 188 erdo} Citra elon Roy SSR. ee ie ed ae 115 Slobosus + (ADPACUS)) 25.502. ee. 226


PAGE globulifer (Staphylinus) ............ 188, 225 granarius (Aphodius) ...................0068. 125 SraANGicollis, (CatOpPs)), sei--c.s-sseesew sso oes 225 Srisea: (SOLroOnia)y ese eesore neces eeaee ces eee toe 226 euitatar (Ee pUuraca) cer. spesecscedeeceadade--=-as 226 haematodes (Apion) ...................05+ 61, 228 haemorrhoidalis (Aphodius) ............. 125 haemorrhous (Amalus) ...................06 93 niasta ty Uae Pia ees cces oe caecetcecmeene ceceescese 294 TN TeU IS (VNTTNODIS)) hg ascncasonsaccocoucbadese soe socse 31 hisprdulus (Sitoma)) 0..2...--:2--.sseeese sce 63 NISPTOUS (CUS hee evan as e eec eaten ees Q27 hispidus (Pogonocherus) .................+ 30 NUS Gs Ove (BAIN CYT) aes eee aoe e ee eee ne ee 226 hookert) | (APIOM) wwe ese sesoseorcessnacenes 62 horbensis) (LATO GON)) 2oisecse se ccsteee= se seeeeee - 226 humator (Necrophorus) .............. 225, 294 nM ey (ATOM) sees. cove caneonene-vee ee eeeeie 62 hypochaeridis (Cryptocephalus) ....... 31 immaculatus (Conosomus) ................ 226 inquinatus (Aphodius) ...................... 126 investigator (Necrophorus) ......... 225, 294 fopiera. (Phy llodrepa), .<..-cccasdee ons oneeenee 225 italicum (Omalium) ...................0.....: 225 junceus (Anchomenus) ...................00. 235 kiesenwetteri (Apion) ..................0. 294 kunzel s(Euplectus)). .2.5.680ii1tie..sssatees 226 labiatus (Cryptocephalus) ................ 31 lapponum (Aphodius) ................0.0.... 126 tatara(Aleochara) os.25..0 5 Be ke 226 latebricola (Staphylinus) .................. 126 HE pLAUS A SubOna) ets ee eS ae 63

limeatus(Sitona) ea ee 63

hithoralisss (NeCrodes) ae cee 294 iiinra(Ceuthorbynehus) 3.2252 92 HIVES (ACOMUIM)) 45. ee 126 Hiwadar(heptirra;) e058 SON aa) OTA 29 meica “(Bolitochara)’ Ase) 226 tavida; (Anaspis): cAI 31 fharidasa(@Ocdemera) 0. ee 31 taridus (Aphodius) See oe 126 lycoperdi (Cryptophagus) ................. 226 maculata (Stranealya) 30 TAA VAC WGADVOIN) © mors se eee lie cece ae 61

marchicum~ (APTOM)) encase eos 228

marginalis (Dytiscus) ...............c..00000. 228 MUATAG Wa (CICIMOCIA) |. oc codessoec-zcessozss 114 melancholicus, (Harpalis), .........c... 263 melantra (Stramecalia):. \.2...-2-.-..5 5m... 30 melolontha (Melolontha) .................. 294 merdarius (Aphodius) ....................... 126 meridianus (Stenocorus) ................... 29 ATAU, VAL OMY et ees cea eee a 61 mrinior | (OMOLOrCHUS) ie.csc- cs. 4-sneenee os eoce 29 mopsus (Gymnopleurus) ................... 312 AROMA: CRASH) os acl dewan veeceeee sce 29

MMOSEMa tea (ATOMNIA) fee soc eee ah 30

mimes (OrtHOPELPUS) | s.4..c.co6--ssasecvdocss Q25 manus ((Buplectas) ios: ae Alt 226 nebulosus (Leiopus) | ........2...0..0.0...c000.- 30 nigricornis (Corymbites) ................... 126 nigrirostris (Phytonomus) ................ 63 mieritarse ((AWLOM): ©. 4: care ee bedi 61

PAGE MitiadwiMsss (ANOS)! \ <2 e-ccee eee eee 125 TOWING DIS {(OTISS) SARs coesandeteradaacadeonsceonecbasobe Q27 obliteratus (Aphodius) ................ 126, 227 pallida. (Caenoscelis) ...........:ee-2----4-e 226 paradoxus (Metoecus) .................. 93, 94 parumtomentosus (Staphylinus) 127, 187 parvulus (Longitarsus) ....................5 228 DaLvalis (Pisyllotmis)> 2eseeecesee eee eee 62 Daucieiay .CAmMaray)e sees .c cess eeee eee eee ee 225 pedator (Staphylinus) ....................... 127 pellucidus (Barypithes) ............... 62, 228 perforatus (Rhizophagus) ................. 226 pericarpius (Rhinoncus) ................... 93 piceus) (Calathus) eyes. eee eee 225 DICEUST (EUPTECUUIS) bese 226 piceus (Hydrophilus) ............ 64, 228, 294 picipes (Otiorrhynchus) 22..-.2)..2..)..2-- 62 PICLFOStLIS! (Py CNtUS) vec ee ee 63 plagiatus (Philopedon) ...................... 115 pleurostigma (Ceuthorhynchus) ....... 92 pomorum (Anthonomus) ................... 63 | populnea’ (Saperday+2 oe eee 30 POLCUS (ADH OGIUS) hese eee 126 Draeustay (METEOMS) eos. eeeee eee 30 PUMA ae ASOT) hee ee 63 prodromus (Aphodius) ...................... 126 OTCUE TA (MES CaaS) eee ee ee eee eee 93 pubescens] (A pIOM) yee eee 62 pubescens (Cryptophagus) ................ 226 pubescens (Pityophthorus) ............... 228 pubescens (Staphylinus) ............ 126, 187 pUlicanmiays (Aas pIS) i ee eee 31 DUMIGAtIS) (Stomis)y 2... eee 1145 pumilas \(Maithodes)" =.=... eee Q27 punctatissima (Soronia) 2. 2 226 punctiger (Ceuthorhynchus) ............ 92 pusilla (Bpumraea) (ec ee eee 2296 puUsillus? (Aphogiws)” <2) .f2 eee eee 126 putridus.. (Aphodius) ©!) Bae 227 pygmaea (Xylophila) ................05..... 227 pyri. «(Phy llobius) "ys... ee ae 62

pyrrhorhynchus (Ceuthorhynchus) .. 92

quadridens (Ceuthorhynchus) quadrifasciata (Strangalia) .............. 29 gquadrimaculatus (Ceuthorhynchus) .. 92 quattuorguttatus (Librodor) quattuorpustulatum (Lissodema) ..... 227 quisquilius (Crypticus) radiolus (Apion) raucus (Otiorrhynchus) 22:20). 30

roberti (Ceuthorhynchus) ................. 92 rubi (Anthonomus) (2...) 5 eee 63 rubiginosus (Longitarsus) ................ 228 rubripes (Harpalusyae....¢.s ae 263 rufescens (Aphoditis)ac....90 16 ee 126 BUGCOMIS (SUIS) \.42.. 2 eee 1145 Tuficornis (Grammoptera) ................ 29 ruficornis (Magdalis);ine ee Ase 93 rufipes. (Aphodius); (242. aa 126 rufipes: (Bruchys)) .ofesernin) eee 228 rufipes (Phiocoteyayaces:. oe ee 297 rufipes (Pseudophonus) ..................... 204

rufitarsis (Harpalus)


PAGE BUPWLOSUS (SCOLYVGUS) ......20.cisccse ede cees. 93 Games, o(PRytOMOMIUS) © ....¢.;..5......5....- 3 rumeicotan (HoOmaloplia) | si... .ccc-kesseeedes 4115 MuISpator (NECrOpNOrus) | .......c.2...56605 225 SOMES (QUICOIIUIS)) 2. sscc.cgocscaceseececscenseeses Q25 MVS (I SCOLYGUS)) <..2c.secccascrseee scenes 93 SGOMRUNMA eCAMINATIEES) 8s. sco ccicecaeaeeraccy ss 93 Remuelatae UCD EUIA) .....ccccacsce-srerce+se- 228 Pembalavius, (ApNOdiUS) :.............-..+--6 125 seninulum (Agathidium) .................- 225 semistriatus (Saprinus) ................0.. 4145 semisulcatus (Dytiscus) ..............::0.8e 294 septempunctata (Coccinella) ............ 294 Seiti@rere | (CHS 6acee ise eee reer eeoeees 227 setulosus (Cryptophagus) .................. 226 sexpustulatus (Carpophilus) ............ 226 SHED MS BACYICELIWS)) ie jesedacctecnses ences 294 Serie Cie cued in 126 SUDAN) (SUC) i ee re 3 Simbhis (StAapWVIIMUS).- ....2.25..s.-000 127, 187 singularis (Otiorrhynchus) ............... 62 sinuatus (Thanatophilus) ................. 225 SOUGIGHS CAPNOGIUS), 9) ev ekoeeeccnncsscneecense 126 spnacelatus (Aphodius). .......:.2:....0c.0. 126 stercorarius (Staphylinus) ......... 126, 187 SHUGOLGUST (CAPIMOGIUIS))), (acei.cacresaseeses00rec 227 EU (OEM OLALCIA))-..ceccscennadiencersee 226 SA UOSTIS | CE CIINITS) 0 55 sicsicqcecoeee-acasde-e2s 227 subterraneus (Aphodius) .................. 125 Subtestacea (ANASPIS) .......0cccsccsseceesees 31 sulcatus (Otiorrhynchus) ...........:..-... 62 SUMLGICONMS “CRPICHONYEX) <.2ss0c2cseecms-coss 226 suturalis (Pseudotriphyllus) ............ 227

/ iabacicolor, (Alosterna) © ...0.....02...e0c006- 29 (GWEC HDG! 9 ( (15 I Trg 02 9 0 0) Je 263 PEMELIUIS WADROGIUS) 6.0. 5..00.0..c cee desceees 227 terminatus (Cerapheles) .................... 114 tessulatus (Aphodius) .................cc00085 126 Be SHINEE SOUND A) 2 oc... 5.6elsecesyocegencescee 31 HESTACEUSI) CEMVIGMMNUIS) keke 226 RIOT MCV) RN See eee 61 troglodytes (Ceuthorhynchus) .......... 93 iyphoeus (Ty pPhaeus) i... ce cceae Q27 “DINGESe (UN CT ONE) eae eres eee nD 61 unidentatus (Silvanus) ...........0.000.0. 226 validirostris (Dorytomus) ................. 30 meaMmIGeA tus. (CICONES)» ci: ssscdeeessosclecsese